Bent Tree Elementary School, built in 1981, is located on 5.65 acres at 4861 SW 140 Avenue. It is a school of 550 students located in the West Kendall area of Miami-Dade County. The 14 building campus is adjacent to Bent Tree Park and a commercial office complex. The 25 year old school has been retro-fitted to provide Internet access to 100% of the classrooms, each having a minimum of three computers.
The student population is 92% Hispanic, 5% White, 1% Black, and 2% other. Forty-five percent (45%) of the students are enrolled in the ELL program, 18% of students are SWD, 53% of the students have free lunch and 24% of the students have reduced lunch. Fifty-two percent of the students in Bent Tree Elementary are males and 48% are females.
Bent Tree Elementary School is proud to have met the criteria mandated by the state as we have received an ‘A’ from The Florida Department of Education for the last sixteen years. We are in compliance with the mandated teacher to student ratios as indicated by the state of Florida with the average being 18:1 in the Primary Grades and 22:1 in the Intermediate grades. In addition, there are 8 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Self-Contained units. Also, in order to meet the dynamics of the SWD curriculum our Self-Contained ASD Units have an average of 7 students; with a full-time teacher and paraprofessional. EFL (Extended Foreign Language) self-contained classes are offered in Kindergarten through 2nd grade. Bent Tree Elementary ELL students receive inclusion ELL instruction by an ESOL certified teacher assisting daily in the classrooms.
Bent Tree Elementary School